Typical spicy dish of Mexican tradition, also ideal for making Mexican taco.
Typical spicy dish of Mexican tradition, also ideal for making Mexican taco.
Raw material of high quality, yellowfin tuna, is selected manually, the salary is applied dry and the smoking takes place slowly, with smoke of beech wood.
The truffle pecorino is a Tuscan cheese produced with sheep's milk and an addition of black truffle that characterizes it.
The tortilla chips, corn tortillas cut into cloves and fries, can not miss in a meal with Tex Mex perfumes!
The smoked swordfish is great to taste as second but also to serve as an appetizer at lunch or dinner.
The “primitive” therefore differs from the other products transformed precisely for the characteristic of the processing in LATTE CRUDO.
The characteristic of this product, should be sought in the seasoning.
It is produced with milk withdrawn on the areas of specific origin as regulated by the Regulation of the Consortium for the Management and Production of Pecorino DOP .