The Panpizza is produced with extra virgin olive oil that also gives taste and lightness to quite high temperatures, it does not decompose and does not give rise to harmful substances for the body, as other oils do.
The Panpizza is produced with extra virgin olive oil that also gives taste and lightness to quite high temperatures, it does not decompose and does not give rise to harmful substances for the body, as other oils do.
Typical spicy dish of Mexican tradition, also ideal for making Mexican taco.
Pomodorini Semi Secchi Italian softly flavored with spices reminiscent of our Mediterranean, gently placed in delicate seed oil.
Pomodorini Semi Secchi Italian softly flavored with spices reminiscent of our Mediterranean, gently placed in delicate seed oil.
The ideal product for appetizers, first dishes, such as filling/making, can be used, by consumers of all ages, such as, if desired
The tortilla chips, corn tortillas cut into cloves and fries, can not miss in a meal with Tex Mex perfumes!