Pasta from concentrate of spicy red pepper and fresh, concentrated, with addition of aromas and preserved exclusively with physical processes.
Pasta from concentrate of spicy red pepper and fresh, concentrated, with addition of aromas and preserved exclusively with physical processes.
Long pasta with consistency always to the tooth thanks to a careful selection of hard grains, with cooking time of 8 minutes.
The tarallini to the pizza taste are a delicious snack, with an appetizing taste that recalls the familiar one of the pizza, that pleases everyone and that makes “company” in every form.
Natural smell of bread, friable texture, taste of lemon salted biscuit and pepper, golden color with amber shades and typical pepper dot.
Short pasta with consistency always to the tooth thanks to a careful selection of hard grains, with cooking time of 10 minutes.
Short pasta with consistency always to the tooth thanks to a careful selection of hard grains, with cooking time of 10 minutes.
Enjoy a new taste experience with all the goodness and benefits of legumes in a pleasure always to the “dent”.
ThePens Barillakeep all the original and delicious flavor of red lentils and are rich in proteins of vegetable origin, fiber and gluten-free.
The Spaghetti Bio Barilla well match the dressings to all your favorite sauces.
IFusilliBarillakeep all the original and delicious flavor of red lentils.