Polenta Casereccia Castello satisfies the different regional traditions by satisfying the most demanding palates with sensations and tastes typical of past times.
Polenta Casereccia Castello satisfies the different regional traditions by satisfying the most demanding palates with sensations and tastes typical of past times.
Pfanni uses only selected potatoes and transforms it into soft bows with a process that preserves its taste and the main nutrients.
The grated cheese is obtained by selecting mature cheeses qualitatively superior and suitable for this type of processing.
More and more appreciated goat cheeses, have great nutritional qualities and a taste that develops in the first few weeks and is aged a month from the processing and among these is the "daughter" .
Pfanni uses only selected potatoes and transforms it into soft bows with a process that preserves its taste and the main nutrients.
More and more appreciated goat cheeses, have great nutritional qualities and a taste that develops in the first few weeks and is aged a month from the processing and among these is the "daughter" .
Round, fragrant, with an intense and persistent taste, hazelnut is a protected geographical product.
Round, fragrant, with an intense and persistent taste, hazelnut is a protected geographical product.