The traditional aroma of smoked dried meat, with a touch of spices and slightly salty.
The traditional aroma of smoked dried meat, with a touch of spices and slightly salty.
The process of denoching, causes the inner pulp to acquire thetasteof the dressing, not by chance the denoised olives are the most suitable to be marinated.
The microclimate in the natural caves where these cheeses mature, in the high Alps, promotes the development of a unique flora on the external crust.
The process of denoching, causes the inner pulp to acquire thetasteof the dressing, not by chance denoised olives are the most suitable to be marinated
The process of denoching, causes the inner pulp to acquire the flavor of the dressing, not by chance the denoised olives are the most suitable to be marinated
The process of denoching, causes the inner pulp to acquire thetasteof the dressing, not by chance denoised olives are the most suitable to be marinated