Try it as a dressing on the grilled meat, with eggs or to make marinades.
Try it as a dressing on the grilled meat, with eggs or to make marinades.
The process of denoching, causes the inner pulp to acquire thetasteof the dressing, not by chance the denoised olives are the most suitable to be marinated.
A unique and tasty sauce made with Mexican green jalapeños chili peppers, which give the sauce a delicious flavor of green chili.
The tobacco sauce Chipotle was prepared with dried and smoked jalapenos peppers.
The process of denoching, causes the inner pulp to acquire thetasteof the dressing, not by chance denoised olives are the most suitable to be marinated
The process of denoching, causes the inner pulp to acquire the flavor of the dressing, not by chance the denoised olives are the most suitable to be marinated
The process of denoching, causes the inner pulp to acquire thetasteof the dressing, not by chance denoised olives are the most suitable to be marinated