Typical spicy dish of Mexican tradition, also ideal for making Mexican taco.
Typical spicy dish of Mexican tradition, also ideal for making Mexican taco.
Casa Montalbano's potato is a seasoning used to flavor boiled meat or fish.
Take the right time to taste the Balsamic vinegar and discover every day different and refined combinations.
The tortilla chips, corn tortillas cut into cloves and fries, can not miss in a meal with Tex Mex perfumes!
The Balsamic Vinegar of Modena IGP Denso 5 Scudi is aged exclusively in oak barrels, one of the most noble woods of nature for resistance and fragrance.
The spicy stuffed peppers are a traditional agri-food product of Calabria, consisting of spicy cherry peppers filled with tuna, with the addition of a cappero, and preserved under oil.
The Balsamic Vinegar of Modena IGP Denso 5 Scudi is aged exclusively in oak barrels, one of the most noble woods of nature for resistance and fragrance.
The Balsamic vinegar of Modena IGP Denso Mono Vitigno is produced exclusively with selected grapes of Lambrusco and is aged exclusively in oak barrels.