The mustard is a typical cuisine of North Italy and the Cremonese gastronomy dating back to 1397.
The mustard is a typical cuisine of North Italy and the Cremonese gastronomy dating back to 1397.
The grated cheese is obtained by selecting mature cheeses qualitatively superior and suitable for this type of processing.
More and more appreciated goat cheeses, have great nutritional qualities and a taste that develops in the first few weeks and is aged a month from the processing and among these is the "daughter" .
The mustard is a typical specialties of the gastronomy of Northern Italy and the creamy one dating back to 1397
The Spianata is the meat with a typical crushed shape, medium-sized and with a strong taste.
The meats of the Black Pig are meticulously selected and are characterized by their typical taste and softness.
The organoleptic qualities of the capocollo of Martina Franca contain the intense aromas and delicate flavors of the territory of Murgia dei Trulli and Valle d’Itria.
More and more appreciated goat cheeses, have great nutritional qualities and a taste that develops in the first few weeks and is aged a month from the processing and among these is the "daughter" .
From the exciting traditional and intense flavor, in the typical white paper.