Take the right time to taste the Balsamic vinegar and discover every day different and refined combinations.
Take the right time to taste the Balsamic vinegar and discover every day different and refined combinations.
The Balsamic Vinegar of Modena IGP Denso 5 Scudi is aged exclusively in oak barrels, one of the most noble woods of nature for resistance and fragrance.
The Balsamic Vinegar of Modena IGP Denso 5 Scudi is aged exclusively in oak barrels, one of the most noble woods of nature for resistance and fragrance.
The Balsamic vinegar of Modena IGP Denso Mono Vitigno is produced exclusively with selected grapes of Lambrusco and is aged exclusively in oak barrels.
Typical cheese produced all year round at regional or local level (smoked) from cow's milk raised to grazing or fixed stabing.
Friability is the main feature of these tarals. Excellent aperitif.
Integral Pugliesi Taralli that stand out for the excellent friability because handcrafted according to traditional recipe.