The Salumificio San Vincenzo produces various types of SALSICCIA.
The Salumificio San Vincenzo produces various types of SALSICCIA.
The caciospianata is a typical Calabrian product and reproduced by San Vincenzo, after having found the old recipes.
Grana Padano is a hard cheese cooked, with a slow and natural ripening, which takes place in environments with pleasant "spring" temperatures between the 15th and the 22°C.
l pulled pork is one of the most complex preparations of the American barbecue “low & slow”.
The "Provola" cheese is a sintered cheese, obtained from the natural fermentation with an average maturity.
Its name derives from "trying", or from the tests that are carried out to find the right moment for spinning.
It is a seasoned cheese with delicate and fragrant flavor and aroma.
Caciocapocollo is a typical Calabrian product and reproduced by San Vincenzo, after having found the old recipes.
Pull pork, also shortened pulled, is an American dish native to North Carolina.