Polenta Casereccia Castello satisfies the different regional traditions by satisfying the most demanding palates with sensations and tastes typical of past times.
Polenta Casereccia Castello satisfies the different regional traditions by satisfying the most demanding palates with sensations and tastes typical of past times.
The grated cheese is obtained by selecting mature cheeses qualitatively superior and suitable for this type of processing.
More and more appreciated goat cheeses, have great nutritional qualities and a taste that develops in the first few weeks and is aged a month from the processing and among these is the "daughter" .
More and more appreciated goat cheeses, have great nutritional qualities and a taste that develops in the first few weeks and is aged a month from the processing and among these is the "daughter" .
Seasonally produced cheese at local level from sheep's milk raised mainly to grazing
With an unmistakable, intense taste and owes its name to Bagnoli Irpino, one of the breeding centers of the sheep breed.
A journey on the dunes of Monte Formicoso, its flowers, its winds, its herbs.
Historically the taste of walnut accompanies cheese on the tables of the nobles.
Its way of proposing extends its spectrum of use by going beyond the use at the table, to perform with great identity in aperitifs and appetizers.
Pecorino of ancient tradition, characterized by an accurate preparation entirely handmade.