The "seasoned ricotta" has a white color and hard texture. It is excellent eaten grated on pasta or for the preparation of gastronomic specialities.
The "seasoned ricotta" has a white color and hard texture. It is excellent eaten grated on pasta or for the preparation of gastronomic specialities.
Raw material of high quality, yellowfin tuna, is selected manually, the salary is applied dry and the smoking takes place slowly, with smoke of beech wood.
The mustard is a typical cuisine of North Italy and the Cremonese gastronomy dating back to 1397.
Provolone is a typical cheese of the Padana Valley, born from the encounter between the tradition of cheese in South Italy and the great availability of milk in the north.
Provolone is a typical cheese of the Padana Valley, born from the encounter between the tradition of cheese in South Italy and the great availability of milk in the north.
The smoked swordfish is great to taste as second but also to serve as an appetizer at lunch or dinner.
The mustard is a typical specialties of the gastronomy of Northern Italy and the creamy one dating back to 1397