Smoked salmon is a food obtained from the conservation of salmon, which is aged and smoked.
Smoked salmon is a food obtained from the conservation of salmon, which is aged and smoked.
Tuna beams are scrupulously treated in order to pass to the smoking phase that takes place in premises created to allow a slow and gradual treatment and achieve the optimum degree of smoking with the use of noble wood.
Smoked salmon is a food obtained from the conservation of salmon, which is aged and smoked.
The Salmon of the finest Sockeye variety of Alaska, is a wild salmon that is worked in Italy and smoked with beech wood.
Tuna fillets are characterized by their compactness that makes them high quality and refined taste
Extracted from the sea urchins, with its intense scent, its warm coloring and sweet taste is one of the most appreciated products.
From today the quality of the Tuna fillets to the Natural of Callipo has an extra plus: Presal® iodized salt.
The soft and fragrant anchovies fillets of Golden Island are tasted, disappointed and cleaned by hand and with care according to tradition.
To produce the Tonno Yellowfin fillets for over 100 years, Callipo chooses the most valuable quality tuna and works it completely in Italy