Salamoia Bolognese produced by Caber since 1968 following the ancient Italian recipe that mixed sea salt with fresh aromatic herbs.
Salamoia Bolognese produced by Caber since 1968 following the ancient Italian recipe that mixed sea salt with fresh aromatic herbs.
Salamoia Bolognese produced by Caber since 1968 following the ancient Italian recipe that mixed sea salt with fresh aromatic herbs.
Its versatility makes it an indispensable ingredient for all those who love good food.
More than 5000 olive growers, 12 crushers and great attention to quality bring this unique product to your tables. From the mountains of Palermo to the hills of the Agrigentino, the members of our consortium ensure the best of the best.
Thanks to the combination of the composition established by the consortium of protection of the extra virgin hate DOP Umbria and the molitura that happens when the olives have not yet reached the complete maturation, you get an oil that recalls the light fruity of fresh grass, to the mild taste and harmonic scents of bitter and spicy are evidenced in the same intensity.
It is an oil that is born in the lands of the agro of Castelvetrano, Partanna and Campobello di Mazara, where olive trees of the variety Nocellara del Belice are cultivated according to the criteria of organic agriculture.
This extra virgin olive oil, produced in the experimental oil mill of the company, is appreciated by the best chefs of international fame.
Thanks to the combination of the composition established by the consortium of protection of the extra virgin hate DOP Umbria and the molitura that happens when the olives have not yet reached the complete maturation, you get an oil that recalls the light fruity of fresh grass, to the mild taste and harmonic scents of bitter and spicy are evidenced in the same intensity.
The extra virgin olive oil Monocultivar Dolce Agogia Alfonso Priorelli is made exclusively from olives of Dolce Agogia, an ancient Umbrian cultivar. The olives are harvested before they reach the ripening, because they are subject to the phenomenon of the early and unpredictable fall of the drupes, called a helmet.
Thanks to the combination of the composition established by the consortium of protection of the extra virgin hate DOP Umbria and the molitura that happens when the olives have not yet reached the complete maturation, you get an oil that recalls the light fruity of fresh grass, to the mild taste and harmonic scents of bitter and spicy are evidenced in the same intensity.
Thanks to the combination of the composition established by the consortium of protection of the extra virgin hate DOP Umbria and the molitura that happens when the olives have not yet reached the complete maturation, you get an oil that recalls the light fruity of fresh grass, to the mild taste and harmonic scents of bitter and spicy are evidenced in the same intensity.
Thanks to the combination of the composition stability from the consortium of protection of the extra virgin hate DOP Umbria and the molitura that happens when the olives have not yet reached the complete maturation, you get an oil that recalls the light fruity of fresh grass, to the mild taste and harmonic scents of bitter and spicy are evidenced in the same intensity.
Thanks to the combination of the composition stability from the consortium of protection of the extra virgin hate DOP Umbria and the molitura that happens when the olives have not yet reached the complete maturation, you get an oil that recalls the light fruity of fresh grass, to the mild taste and harmonic scents of bitter and spicy are evidenced in the same intensity.