Pomodorini Semi Secchi Italian softly flavored with spices reminiscent of our Mediterranean, gently placed in delicate seed oil.
The Pomodorino del Piennolo del Vesuvio is one of the oldest and most typical products of the Campania agriculture to be even represented in the scene of the traditional Neapolitan crib.
The Pomodorino del Piennolo del Vesuvio is one of the oldest and most typical products of the Campania agriculture to be even represented in the scene of the traditional Neapolitan crib.
These particular and tasty cherry tomatoes (also called "spongillo" or "PIZZUTELLO" for the lace present at its end) gather old local cultivars and biotypes, whose selection has been cured over the decades by the farmers themselves.
The names of these ecotypes are popular ones attributed by the local producers themselves, such as "Fiaschella", "Lampadina", "Patanara", "Principe Borghese" and "Re Umberto", traditionally cultivated for centuries in the same territory of origin.
The typical area of production and conservation of the piennolo tomato coincides with the entire extension of the volcanic complex of the Somma-Vesuvio, including its degrading slopes almost to the sea level.
The intense red color, the hard skin that preserves all nutrients even in the long term, the fresh and acre flavor, make these tomatoes unique in the world and impossible to cultivate elsewhere.
A story even tells that the red color is due to small drops of the Vesuvius lava that, nourishing the vegetable, gives it life and resistance.
Exceptional for first courses reaches its maximum expression on pizza.
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Pomodorini Semi Secchi Italian softly flavored with spices reminiscent of our Mediterranean, gently placed in delicate seed oil.
Rich in gastronomic traditions starting from the products of the land, among the typicalities there is the Pomodorino in Piennolo and the cultivation of the tomato, which here is particular, as later than usual.
Produced by the yellow tomatoes cut in half, dried in the oven, flavored with a little salt, garlic and basil and preserved in sunflower seed oil.
The Pelate Datterino in So Com juice is preserved in its juice, or immersed in its own pulp to maintain a soft and balanced taste.
All the genuineness, sweetness and perfume of the Red Datterino already ready in two half practices.
I am a refined tomato, intact and tasty.
They are the most suitable for those who want to create their own dishes with fantasy, color and an inviting appearance.
The yellow date is enhanced with a light and fast cooking.
Pomodorini Semi Secchi Italian softly flavored with spices reminiscent of our Mediterranean, gently placed in delicate seed oil.
Refined sauce that recalculates the Tuscan tradition by exalting its sapidity.
The redest tomatoes and with higher amounts of sugar, deprived of a part of water, evaporated at low temperature, give life to the concentrate.
It is a very versatile product suitable for any use
Sweet, rich in antioxidants and exquisite even without seasoning: because of the fame of this extraordinary fruit of the earth is certainly not a mystery.
The Pomodorino del Piennolo del Vesuvio DOP is one of the oldest and most typical products of Campania agriculture, so much to be even represented in the scene of the traditional Neapolitan crib.
The Fiammante has the typical balanced sweet taste, a bright red color and a pulp consisting of a few seeds, enhanced by the wise transformation in bald that keeps intact the fragrance and the scent of a unique and ancient tomato.
The cassata, produced by the Sicilian pastry shop, and more specifically of Palermo, deserves the place of honor among the typical desserts of this region, along with cannoli, almond pastes and pinches.
The house is crafted using high quality ingredients and following the recipes of the ancient Neapolitan tradition.
Perfect as snack to take to school, for aperitif or to enrich the buffet of a birthday party.
The process of denoching, causes the inner pulp to acquire thetasteof the dressing, not by chance denoised olives are the most suitable to be marinated
The result is a delicious ketchup, without dyes or artificial aromas, with unmistakable taste.
The Kissback is an unmissable goodness.
The Sfogliatella riccia al cafe is an excellent variant of the classic flipper.
Champignons mushrooms cut into slices, natural, without starch.